Seven Deadly Sin: Pride Commonly Portrayed

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This essay is the best essay in the world and will definitely get an A+. Now that’s a prideful way to start an essay, being arrogant and over-confident. Pride is the excessive belief in one’s own abilities. It is considered deadly because it interferes with an individual’s recognition of the Grace of God. Pride is considered the sin from which the other 6 arise. This deadly sin is commonly represented in media, music, and literature. The deadly sins are portrayed in much of our media these days and happen to take on forms of some of our favorite characters. A childhood favorite, the show “Winnie the Pooh”, has a perfect breakdown of all the characters in relation to a deadly sin. Tigger is the epitome of pride in this childhood classic. Tigger is super competitive and has an immense ego that takes over his whole character. He loves himself and everyone knows it because of his constant fabrications to impress his friends. Another example of pride in the media would be from the popular movie, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Out of all the characters, Violet is the most prideful, having won 263 trophies from various competitions, such as gum chewing, which accounts for most of her over-confident attitude. She even removes her gum and puts it behind her ear to save as a cocky reminder to everyone that she won’t stop chewing it and that she is the best. Sandy Cheeks, a character in the TV show “Spongebob”, is also another culprit of this deadly sin. When has there been an episode where she hasn’t spoken about her beloved Texas or her love for science? Sandy is a squirrel that lives in the ocean, which allows for arrogance when she competes with her underwater friends. In the episode “Pressure”, the sin was really expressed when she had a contest with the “water breathers” as to who could survive longer holding their breath in opposite territories as

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