Series and Parallel Answers

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Given: F - 36 V R = 12 f l V 36 V , , Unknown: I = ? = Original equation: V ^ IR This 3 A is the current through the entire circuit. Use this current to f i n d the potential difference across the parallel combination. Remember, the potential difference across resistors wired i n parallel is the same regardless of w h i c h path is taken. Because the resistors i n parallel have a combined resistance of 6 O, y o u f i n d the potential difference across the parallel branch as follows. Given: R = 6 7= 3A ft Unknoivn: V = ? Original equation: V = IR Solve: V = IR = i3 A)(6 ft) = 18 V Therefore, the potential difference across both the top and the bottom branches is 18 V. N o w use this 18-V drop to determine the current i n the 9-ft resistor. Given: F = 18 V R = 9 Unknoivn: 1=1 Original equation: V = IR ft Practice Exercises Exercise 16: Using the diagram, a) f i n d the total resistance i n the circuit, b) Find the total current through the circuit. i s j i loa (oA Answer: a. Answer: b . Exercise 17: t).3Z A OV Using the diagram, a) f i n d the total resistance i n the circuit, b) Find the total current through the circuit. _ ^ Answer: a. Answer: b . 22^ 3SL iLA. Exercise 18: Using the diagram, a) f i n d the total resistance i n the circuit, b) Find the total current through the circuit. 32V Answer: a. Answer: b. Exercise 19: 2^-'^ A Old-fashioned holiday lights were connected i n series across a 120-V h o u s e h o l d line, a) I f a string of thejse lights consists of 12 bulbs, what is the potenfaal difference across each bulb? b) I f the bulbs were connected i n parallel, what w o u l d be the potential difference across each bulb? ' Answer: a. Answer: b. Exercise 20: \0 V Before gomg to w o r k each morning. Gene runs his 18-fl toaster, 11-ft electric f r y m g pan, and 14-0 electric coffee

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