Sensory Loss Essay

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Introductory awareness of sensory loss | | Describe how a range of factors have a negative and positive impact on individuals with sensory lossSight LossHearing Loss | | Identify steps that can be taken to overcome factors that have a negative impact on individuals with sensory loss | | Explain how individuals with sensory loss can be disabled by attitudes and beliefsIndividuals with a sensory loss can be disabled by the attitude of not being capable and also not being able to manage by themselves. This message can come from society or from the person themselves. Many people live a full and satisfying life with a sensory loss, as long as they see it as a challenge, and take steps to rise to the everyday challenges presented.If they don’t overcome and identify these beliefs and attitudes It can knock their confidence and make them become isolated and lonely and therefore unable to achieve anything. | | Identify steps that could be taken to overcome disabling attitudes and beliefs. * Identify the attitudes and beliefs. * The beliefs that you hold are either empowering, or, dis-empowering. * Brainstorming all the thoughts that you feel are holding you back from achieve your goals. * Set a Goal. * Prioritize what you want to archive first. * Positive thinking and motivation is Key to overcome these attitudes and beliefs. * Make sure that you overcome any negative motivation. * Change you habits and behaviors. | | | | | | Describe how effective communication may have a positive impact on the lives of individuals with sensory losseffective communication may have a positive impact on the lives of individuals with sensory loss by affecting their physical and mental well-being and make them cope with their sensory loss and maintaining social contact contributed to an improved quality of life | | Explain how information can
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