Sensorimotor Stage Essay

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Sensorimotor stage The sensorimotor stage is the first of the four stages in cognitive development which "extends from birth to the acquisition of language".[8] "In this stage, infants construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences (such as seeing and hearing) with physical, motoric actions. Infants gain knowledge of the world from the physical actions they perform on it. An infant progresses from reflexive, instinctual action at birth to the beginning of symbolic thought toward the end of the stage. Piaget divided the sensorimotor stage into six sub-stages"[9]:0–2 years, Infants just have senses-vision, hearing, and motor skills, such as grasping, sucking, and stepping.---from Psychology Study Guide by Bernstein, Penner, Clarke-Stewart, Roy Sub-Stage | Age | Description | 1 Simple Reflexes | Birth-6 weeks | "Coordination of sensation and action through reflexive behaviors".[9] Three primary reflexes are described by Piaget: sucking of objects in the mouth, following moving or interesting objects with the eyes, and closing of the hand when an object makes contact with the palm (palmar grasp). Over the first six weeks of life, these reflexes begin to become voluntary actions; for example, the palmar reflex becomes intentional grasping.[10]). | 2 First habits and primary circular reactions phase | 6 weeks-4 months | "Coordination of sensation and two types of schemes: habits (reflex) and primary circular reactions (reproduction of an event that initially occurred by chance). Main focus is still on the infant's body." [9] As an example of this type of reaction, an infant might repeat the motion of passing their hand before their face. Also at this phase, passive reactions, caused by classical or operant conditioning, can begin.[10] | 3 Secondary circular reactions phase | 4–8 months | Development of habits. "Infants become more

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