Sensorial Rational Essay

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Samantha Pollington Sensorial Rational A young child’s senses are her clue in understanding the world around her. Since her birth the child has been absorbing sense impressions. Sensorial education gives her the opportunity to bring an order to the random sense impressions surrounding her in order to gain a better understanding of the world around her. Dr. Montessori understood the importance of educating the senses and very thoughtfully designed specific materials with that goal in mind. These materials cater to the six senses; tactile (touch), visual, auditory, gustatory (taste), olfactory (smell) and stereognostic (detecting form without the aid of the visual sense). In the Montessori classroom these materials are introduced in an orderly and methodical way. All of the sensorial materials are designed in a sequence, the first lying the foundation for the second. Thoughtful introduction along with the careful design of the materials enables the child to have a both successful and challenging experience. All materials were designed with a “Control of Error”. This feature allows the child to autonomously correct her mistakes. For example with the Pink Tower (a work consisting of ten brightly colored pink cubes ranging in size from one cubic centimeter to ten cubic centimeters) the child may attempt to build the tower with the largest cube on top, she sees the tower tumble and starts anew. The materials are also designed with an “Isolation of Difficulty”, meaning the materials have one variable for the child to focus on. In the case of the Pink Tower, the cubes are all painted alike and vary only in dimension. Order, concentration, co-ordination and independence are four major areas that sensorial education directly enhances. Order is instilled in the child firstly, in the manner in which the materials are presented to the child. The teacher
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