Self Reflection: the Richest Man in Babylon and the Secret

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Self-Reflection I enjoyed reading the book and watching the film. Both are inspiring and powerful. My favorite part of the book is the second chapter, where Arkad shares his system to becoming wealthy. It’s a bit of a challenge since the writing style is dated, but still a good read. Additionally, the message of the film is easy to comprehend. It’s a bit of a stretch as some of the concepts are repetitive. The writing process is different this time. I had to spend time reading the book and watching the film. I wrote ideas while reading and watching, so it would be easier to brainstorm and put my ideas together. Once I came up with my thesis statement, I was able to decide what points to discuss and what ideas to share in my essay. Rich Man in Babylon is an eye opener on how I should view money. It makes me realize more that saving money is not enough. Investing makes your hard-earned money work for you. It is a good financial book that must be a mandatory read for everybody. I’m responsible for my future and I should start now, while I have the ability to work hard. The idea of paying yourself first is very smart and strategic. I think that everybody can relate on this book, no matter how much you earn, you can strive to make a change. Arkad’s character stresses the value of sticking to a budget and delaying gratification. It is common sense, but sometimes I tend to forget its importance when I’m surrounded with fancy things. It is easy to give in and spend. It is a good reminder that discipline is giving up the things that I want now in exchange of what truly matters. Knowing ones priorities and managing finances is imperative. Money may not be the most important thing in the world, but it certainly affects the welfare of my loved ones. Moreover, the film The Secret can be life changing. The concept is not new. Great motivational characters like Napoleon

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