Self Inflicted Injury Causing Health Problems

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Self-inflicted diseases are those in which a person's health is damaged by their own decisions and behavior. These can be such things like smoking, alcohol, sunbathing, eating large quantities of fatty food. Also deliberate self-harm such as attempted suicide is classed as self-inflicted as it can cause major damage to body organs. Those who start smoking at a young age are highly likely to become addicted to nicotine. Smoking leads to a risk of developing mental and physical disease. This includes lung cancer, coronary heart disease and death through a stroke. Smoking also increases the chances of blood clotting. Nicotine also increases blood pressure and heart rate and thus the body's demand for oxygen, but carbon monoxide reduces the blood's ability to carry it. Obesity can be self-inflicted by the following: * Eating too many calories * Lack of physical exercise * Environmental factors * Cultural factors * Metabolism factors. Obesity can cause heart disease; high blood obesity causes significant health issues. It is the second leading cause of preventable death (after smoking), and is associated with type 2 diabetes, hyperlipidemia, coronary artery disease, arthritis, gallstones, and certain types of cancer. Description of Obesity Often referred to as a disease, obesity is actually a sign of what may well be a spectrum of different kinds of disorders genetic or environmental. In fact, there is no single definition of obesity Alcohol effects on the Body. Alcohol has a biphasic effect on the body, meaning that its effects change over time. Initially, alcohol typically produces feelings of relaxation and cheerfulness. Increased consumption, however, can lead to dehydration, coordination problems, blurred vision, and a great number of health, medical, and social issues and other drinking problems caused by alcoholism. As articulated above, excessive alcohol

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