Self-Determination Essay

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Self- Determination Luz Marks PSYC3520 - Intro to Social Psychology Social Psychological Theory Capella University January 2014 Abstract In this paper I will be discussing the self-determination theory. Self Determination is the theory that people need to feel at least some degree of autonomy and internal motivation (Baumeister, Bushman, 2014). I will examine two articles, “Motivational “spill-over” during weight control: Increased self-determination and exercise intrinsic motivation predict eating self-regulation”, and “Teacher motivational strategies and student self-determination in physical education”. Both of these articles argue about how self-determination can lead to a healthier lifestyle, in adults and children. The articles acknowledge that by having someone or something as a motivation it will lead to self-determination. For the article “Motivational “spill-over” during weight control: Increased self-determination and exercise intrinsic motivation predict eating self-regulation, and Teacher motivational strategies”, there was a 1-year randomized controlled trial that provided intervention focusing on physical activity and inner motivation for exercise and weight loss, following Self-Determination Theory (Mata, Silva, Vieira, Carraça, Andrade, Coutinho, Sardinha, Teixeira, 2011) The second article “Teacher motivational strategies and student self-determination in physical education,” focused their attention on the relationship between three motivational strategies. These strategies were the students' insight of the psychological needs satisfaction, students' self-determination, and finally the relationship between teachers and students’ self-determination (Taylor, Ntoumanis, 2007). First Article “Motivational “spill-over” during weight control: Increased self-determination and exercise intrinsic motivation predict eating self-regulation, and
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