Self Analysis Of Leadership Style

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A SYSTEMATIC SELF-ANALYSIS OF PERSONAL LEADERSHIP STYLE /SKILLS AND THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CORRESPONDING ACTION PLAN My job title is service manager; it is a position I have held for ten years. I lead from within a mixed sex team of six (Hackman, Katzenbach and Smith 1993) and my leadership style is extravert and collaborative. I delegate tasks, hold a strong overview, set a work ethic for clinical excellence and do not avoid ,but rather “out” conflict. I acknowledge and praise staff for work well done and promote new learning and solutions when errors occur. In undertaking this essay my self knowledge and determination are about to be tested. In reading Stodgill (1974) traits I could relate to some of the qualities, for example adaptability and willingness to assume responsibility, but such traits are quintessentially immeasurable. Even so, NHS leadership surveys (Department of Health (DoH).2006) have sections dedicated to what qualities we want in health service leaders. Alimo-Metcalfe (2008) states that engaging leaders are approachable, accessible and personable. I am accessible; working in the one team office and I try to address issues on the day they arise .The flip side being the perceived level of daily scrutiny, especially from more junior team members.I feel that I display high levels of self motivation but that need not necessarily inspire others .Traits I feel set the canvas on which further skills are learnt and implemented. One cannot say that the following qualities: diplomacy, decisiveness, adaptability and charisma equals a brilliant leader. What about the context and situation within which we act? Hersey and Blanchard’s (1982) situational model and the maturity of your followers are particularly pertinent to my styles of

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