Security Measures In Prison's

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P1 I have researched three different types of custodial procedures in (You’re Prison). These three procedures are: Physical, dynamic, procedural. These elements are vital to ensure to efficiency to (You’re Prison). and to ensure that the prisoners are secure in the prison. Physical Security Physical factors of the prison vary from the categories in which they are based. There are four different types of categories in custodial care, category A, B, C, and D. Type A prisons are the highest security and have more physical factors than any other type of prison. Type D prisons are the opposite, they have little physical barriers in their environment, and these types of prisons are most likely Young Offenders Institute (YOI). Physical barriers are things which prevent prisoners and details and items getting out the prison, and also to prevent people getting things into the prison. At (You’re Prison). These physical barriers are: Prison Categories There are 4 different types of prisons in the United Kingdom. These prisons are known as type A, B, C and D. These categories are based on three bases, threat to society, risk of escape, severity of the crime. Category A, B and C prisons are called closed prisons, whilst category D prisons are called open prisons. Category A prisoners are further divided into Standard Risk, High Risk, and Exceptional Risk, based on their likelihood of escaping Type A – These prisoners are a threat on all three bases, these prisoners require maximum security throughout their full sentence. Type B – These prisoners to not require maximum security, but still pose a threat and are likely to be difficult. Type C – These prisoners are unlikely to cause any threat to society, but cannot be trusted in open conditions as they are likely not to attend service. Type D - These prisoners are those who can be reasonably trusted and are not
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