Scott Characterestics Essay

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In the story “I’ve Got Gloria”, Scott Perkins has portrayed many characteristics; but the one that affected his life the most and changed his character in to becoming dynamic was his capability of taking responsibility for his actions. As the story progressed, his character changed from being irresponsible, to feeling guilty about his actions, to accepting responsibility for it. Throughout the beginning of the story, Scott’s irresponsibility was depicted multiple times. He didn’t take responsibility for his actions or his habits. He neither cared about the consequences nor accepted it. He blamed on others, the mistakes that he had made. He would make excuses for everything; even his mother called him irresponsible. He blamed his failure in math on his teacher, even though it was his fault. This was his biggest downfall. When the story was nearing the climax, Scott started realizing his mistakes and felt guilty about it. He finally understood that he failed math because he didn’t study, not because of Ms. Whitman. He started empathizing with Ms. Whitman and how she felt about her dog going missing. He realized the mistakes that were made and recognized that he was to blame. His realization led him to take responsibility. Near the end, Scott finally accepted responsibility for his actions. After all that had happened, he finally came clean to Ms. Whitman about her dog. He also apologized to his parents about his irresponsibility. He came clean about everything; his character grew and became mature. At last, he took responsibility for his actions. From being irresponsible, Scott finally accepted the consequences of his actions, contributing to his dynamic change in

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