Science In Society - Summary

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This chapter deals with the influence and effects of science upon society and how it helped to shape the period of Enlightenment and influenced natural philosophers. It uses the work of notable scientist Sir Isaac Newton as an example of influencing others in society and how Newtonian science was used by natural philosophers throughout the eighteenth century as a way of approaching natural laws of nature and how this in turn contributed to the age of enlightenment. It goes on to explain how European nations through their desire for growth and expansion used the newly discovered sciences for commercial and political purposes. It argues that the emergence of scientific societies and organisations allowed natural philosophers to study outside of the usual arenas and how the study of science became popular throughout society by public presentations and lectures. It also uses the development of encyclopaedias, the development of new systems of measurement, such as the development of the units of measuring temperature, and the use of mathematical physics as examples of the influence of science on society. It goes on to describe the influence of science on the industrial revolution and the use of scientific expeditions to gain further knowledge and understanding of the world. Finally it uses the emergence of museums throughout Europe which allowed the public access to collections of scientific interest previously reserved for the privileged. From these collection, owing to mans discovery and belief in science and disbelief in the Great Chain theory, it uses mans need to discover his place in nature and therefore the need to develop a way of systemising and classifying his findings in order to map species together. (Ede, Andrew and Lesley B. Cormack 2004, 181-209). References Ede, Andrew and Lesley B. Cormack. 2004. Enlightenment and Enterprise. In A History of Science in
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