Sap - Operant Or Classical Conditioning

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1. In order to be able to punish my cat even when I’m not near enough to reach him, I have paired the sound of a clicker with getting squirted with water. Now the sound of the clicker causes him to startle. This is an example of classical conditioning. The UCS is the water being squirted The UCR is the startle of the cat The NS is the sound of the clicker The CS is the sound of the clicker The CR is the startle of the cat at the sound of the clicker 2. My cat never gets on the furniture when I am around. This is an example of operant conditioning as the training of the cat to stay off the furniture would likely involve punishment for whenever the cat was found on the coach to train the cat to stay on the floor. This learning would have had to involve repetition before the cat would learn the consequences of his behavior therefore operant conditioning would best describe this example. 3. When I first start teaching about a concept, I’ll praise any answer that is close to the right answer This is an example of operant conditioning particularly positive reinforcement because the teacher is teaching the children that contributing to class discussions will be rewarded with praises thus strengthening the positive behavior of the students. 4. The smell of fresh baking bread makes my mouth water. This is an example of classical conditioning. The UCS is eating the bread The UCR is causing the person to salivate & enjoy the taste The NS is the smell of bread The CS is the smell of bread The CR is salivating at the smell of bread 5. In a weight management class, participants earn points for every healthy meal they eat and every period of exercise they complete. Later these point result in refunds of their class fees. This is an example of operant conditioning as the points act as rewards encouraging the participants to work

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