Evaluate Sandra's Approach To Delegation?

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Sandra Holt, Manger of electronics Assembly, asked Hektor Cruz, her senior technician to handle things in the department while Sandra worked on the budget. she needed peace and quiet for at least a week to complete her figures. After 10 days , Sandra discovered that Hector had hired a senor secretary, not realizing that Sandra had promised interviews to two other people. Evaluate Sandra’s approach to delegation? Solution For mangers to delegate more effectively there are six approaches that can help. These are: Delegate the whole task Select the right person Insure that authority equals responsibility Give thorough instruction Maintain feed back Evaluate and reward performance When we evaluate Sandra's delegation, she used the second approach to select the right person who is senior technician to the company. Also she used the first approach, in delegating the whole task.…show more content…
Because successful delegation includes information on what, when, why, where, who, and how. The subordinate must clearly understand the task and the expected results. It a good idea to write down all provisions. The second limitation is she didn’t maintain feedback. Because it is important to keep open likes for communication with the subordinate to answer questions and provide advice, but without expecting too much control. The third d weakness was Sandra didn’t insure that authority equals responsibility while delegating. Merely assigning a task is not effective delegation. Therefore the employment of a senior secretary by Hector Cruz was the right decision . Sandra’s promises to interview to two other people, to hire as a senior secretary were not informed to Hector Cruz. Question

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