Sand Dunes Essay

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Coastal Management: Sand Dunes A sand dune is a build up of sand that is positioned behind a certain part of the beach affected by tides. They are created when sand is trapped by grass or other objects and can take a few years to form and develop. Sand dunes protect inland areas from many things, e.g. hurricanes, storms, wind and waves that are in danger to people’s property. They are an important wildlife habitat and help protect plant and animal species. They also play a very important role of protecting shorelines against the waves. They also help maintain fresh water heads, and stop seawater intrusion to a great degree. In winter time sand dunes suffer from erosion, storms, wild winds and strong waves. Holes in the dunes can appear due to strong winds. These holes are called ‘blow-outs’. These usually appear in the younger and smaller dunes. Erosion can get even worse if people damage the plants in the dunes and cause the plants to die off. If this happens, then the plants can no longer trap the sand to create new dunes. The sand dunes are a very important habitat. They are very popular to tourists and a popular place to visit. However, these dunes are very fragile and delicate, and changes can take place quickly. To protect the dunes and native plants wooden paths are placed on the ground for people to walk on. The main things used in order to help protect the sand dunes are: • Signage – Putting up signs around and on the beach informing people not to damage or harm the dunes in anyway. • When walking with dogs keep them on a leash, keep them under control and do not let them dig. • Plant native vegetation along your shoreline to help prevent erosion. • Get in touch with a group that likes to protect and restore dunes. • When walking along streams or shorelines, stick to the paths. • Plant Cape (beach grass) to help stabilize existing

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