Sample Relationship Stage

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My fiancé and I started out meeting each other for the first time almost three years ago. We met through a mutual friend of ours who just out of the blue thought we would make a cute looking couple. Our initiating stage of the relationship was when our friend asked if my fiancé and his friend wanted to meet us up for drinks. When they met us up, he gave me a hug to say hello and that was the start of the initiation. Of course I thought he was cute but at that time, I didn’t think anything about us ever getting together. Exploratory stage was when we started to hang out more with our friends and we started to get a feel of what the other person was interested in. One day we just laid there talking and it seemed like we had so much in common. We had the same interests in cars and colors as well as style. We both even had a big mole on our left palm where the thumb area is. I thought “wow” there must be something there for us to have so much in common even down to the mole on our hands. Intensification stage was when we both started to be interested in each other even though at first we both never thought about us ever getting together. We texted every day and always looked forward to seeing and spending time with each other. We eventually ended up living together because I was always over and spending the night. This felt like that honeymoon stage where you just can’t wait to get home to see that person. Finally, we reached the stable stage where he asked me to marry him. We both had that feeling like the other person was the best thing that’s happened to them. We have an upcoming wedding in March 2013 to spend the rest of our lives together. We along with our kids (1 is mine and 2 his) will now become a family of one once we get married. We maintain the stable relationship by telling the other person every day that we love them as well as express our affection
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