Russian Borrowings and Their Distribution in English

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Thesis In Search of a Russian Word (Russian borrowings and their distribution in English) Language as a communication medium is connected with culture by numerous and difficult links. It is known, that there is no such a language which would be absolutely free from alien influences as any people in the modern world do not live absolutely separately. Communication with other countries, sports, science, culture, trade, policy, mutual trips - all disposes to exchange sights, reasons, discoveries and, naturally, words. The research is devoted to an actual theme of present-day lexicology: borrowing words, in this case Russian ones by the English language. The relevance of the theme of this research work is determined by the fact that the studying of the process of loan of foreign words keeps the urgency these days as it has a great value on the decision of some linguistic problems, and also the questions connected with the history of the language, lexicology and other sciences. The question of English loans (anglicisms) in Russian is fully investigated, therefore we have decided to find out the particularities of the process of borrowing Russian words by the English language. It is important to say that we managed to prove (in the instance of the interactions of Russian and English) that language contacts take place both at direct contacts of the people and in the absence of them. The object of our research is Russian loans entered the English language during different periods of history. The subject of the research is Russian lexical units. The aim of this research is a complex studying of characteristics of the process of Russian linguistic units’ penetration into English, and also their influence on the English language. The following objectives have been put to achieve this aim: - to find out how the interest to Russian in the course of interaction

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