The Rubik's Cube

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The Rubik’s Cube was invented in 1974 by a twenty-nine year old man named Erno Rubik in Hungary. Erno Rubik was born during World War II in Budapest, Hungary. His father was an aircraft engineer who built gliders after starting his own company, and his mother was a poet. As he grew up, Rubik was very involved in the study of three-dimensional forms, construction, geometry, and exploring different geometric models. When he created the cube, he was a lecturer and the Department of Interior Design at the Academy of Applied Arts and Crafts in Budapest, Hungary. At first, Rubik was not planning on inventing the most exciting puzzle in the world. He instead was asking himself, “How could the blocks move independently without falling apart?” At first, Rubik attempted to use elastic bands to hold small cubes together. When this failed, he was going to have the blocks hold themselves together by their shape. He made each cube by hand, and put them together to make one large cube. He put colored adhesive paper on each side of each small cube, and tried to figure out the answer to his problem. The Rubik’s Cube has fifty-four small colored squares on it that cover twenty-six squares. These squares are covered by nine stickers in six colors. When the cube is solved, there is one solid color for each side of the cube. A standard Rubik’s Cube is approximately 2¼ inches on each side. Even though the cube was finished in 1974, Rubik began working on this invention many years earlier. He called it the “Magic Cube.” When he finally finished, he showed his newest creation to his students and demonstrated how it worked. They were very intrigued. After he saw some interest, he showed it to his friends and let them play with it. They loved it as well, and astonished the designer. Rubik then decided that it might be a good idea to produce the new game on a

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