Romeo and Juliet Elements of Tragedy

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Elements of a Tragedy: Romeo and Juliet Tragedy In drama, a tragedy is a particular kind of play in which events turn out disastrously for the main character or characters. Usually the tragedy traces the downfall of someone who is otherwise noble except for a character flaw that leads to disaster. Most often the hero or heroine dies at the end of the play, after facing death with courage and nobility. On the chart below, analyze The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet for its elements of a tragedy. |Components of a Tragedy |Evidence in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet | |Noble characters | | |In what ways can Romeo and Juliet be | | |considered noble? | | | | | |Downfall | | |What puts Romeo and Juliet on the path to| | |disaster? Which major events and | | |decisions led to their demise? | | |Character flaws
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