Romeo and Juliet: Conflict in Act 3, Scene 5

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In Act 3 scene 5 Romeo and Juliet have just woken up. Romeo says he must leave but Juliet doesn't want him to go: "Thou need'st not to be gone." Shakespeare coveys a loving and caring atmosphere through his use of language in this scene: "believe me, love, it was the nightingale." Capulet decides Juliet will get married to Paris in three day’s time. It is important this is revealed before the scene as it creates dramatic irony because the audience knows such a significant detail of the play, yet Juliet doesn't, even though it's her getting married. Shakespeare uses the contrast between love and hate to add tension to the scene, like when Capulet clashes with a distraught Juliet after she refuses to marry Paris. Shakespeare structures this scene to create dramatic tension. Romeo, Capulet, Lady Capulet and the Nurse all make entrances or exits which leads to a chaotic and panicky sort of atmosphere. The audience emotions would be changing constantly because everyone who enters the scene has something important to say that could potentially change the course of the play. When Lady Capulet says, "Marry, my child, early next Thursday" we get sense of falling action, as everything worsens and the audience feels like the situation can't get any better. The course of change throughout this scene mirrors the action throughout the play. At the start of the scene everything is great and the couple are with each other, alone and happy to be together. This mirrors the scene in which Romeo and Juliet first catch each other’s eye, and fall in love instantly. When the Capulets enter the bedroom with the bad news, this corresponds with when it all begins to go pear-shaped for the star-struck couple, when Romeo kills Tybalt in revenge. Shakespeare uses imagery patterns like birds because back in those days birds were a sign of death, "It was the nightingale and not the lark." This

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