Roles in Todays Society

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#3. Roles in today’s culture are different from cultures of the past because roles have changed with the times. Back in the day women did not go to work and in today’s cultures they go to work. Men had rights and women had none they stayed home and did the house hold duties and take care of the children while the men took care of the working outside of the home. Men know stay home and take care of the children while the women get a job, because cultures have let women get educations and have rights that only men use to have. Men and women focus more on the materials as values know then on family time like cultures of the past did. Culture systems have different beliefs and values about death, the way languages are spoken how children are raised, and corporate education is American culture. For example intellectual curiosity is more valued than being a good student by some parents from higher status backgrounds, but parents with lower socioeconomic status are likely to value obedience. Socialization is the process by which people acquire the fundamental nature if existing social structures. Family as an agent to socialization plays a huge role in reproducing existing family roles. Socialization plays a huge in today’s culture on everything from our families to our working. Mass Media was not a thing in the past and now today not only are there news networks on 24 hours a day but there is women broadcasting the news. The way we look at men and women has changed. There are 4 essentials we need as humans they are rules, 1.rules for divinity, mating, children, birth and death, 2. foods, 3. Shelter 4. We need clothes of some sorts to keep us warm. We choose not to where a drape over the nether regions and wear designer jeans, we choose to live in huge house that we can’t afford because our norms are different that they were in the past. These essentials make the roles
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