Role of Women in the Church

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Turabian Theo 202 D11 201340 Essay on Topic: The Role of Women in the Church The offices of elders and deacons are positions of “fine work” to desire to do (1 Tim 3:1). Both offices have been observed to be integral to the overall mission of the local church. Historically, elders and deacons have been beneficial to those chosen to lead congregations. But what exactly is an elder? What is a deacon? Historically, elders have been chosen by the people of within the various tribes to represent them. Elders were initially seen in their frequent work alongside Moses and the people (Ex 4:29; 18:29). They also ministered the Word of God to the people (Ex 19:7) and over time they continued to be given more responsibilities. (Wallace 2001, 369-370) In the Old Testament, the elders were selected for their fear of God, their faithfulness of truth, and their dislike for dishonest gain (Ex 18:21). Paul also confirmed these qualifications and built on them in 1 Timothy 3:2-7. Elders were to be men of impeccable character and faith. However, unlike elders, deacons are more demonstrated in servant-leadership roles than representative. That is not to say, however, that deacons did not speak on behalf of the people or represent them. The actual Greek word for deacon is illustrated as “a waiter at a meal” (Burge 2001, 320-321). Deacon was first introduced in Acts with the appointing of the first 7 deacons to free up the apostles in ministering the Word of God and service work of the growing church (Acts 6). The qualities of a deacon are seen also in 1 Timothy 3:8-13 which similar to elders demonstrate a life of dignity, impeccable character, and strong in faith. Given the qualities of elders and deacons, does this specifically mean that men alone are entitled to these offices or are women allowed as well? There has not been a more disputed in theology than that of whether a woman

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