Role of Women in Islam

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Role of Women in Islam Islam was founded in 610 C.E. by the prophet Muhammad, and has grown into one of the world’s largest religions. Although women had rights and could own property in early Arab/Islam society, they gradually became more limited over time and were always thought of as inferior to men. They had the most rights during the early period of Islam, but were always lower than men. Restrictions got tighter as the Arab empire grew, with the second Caliph Umar, and many of these restrictions were derived from Middle Eastern culture, not the Quran. Women were restricted further during the rule of Caliph Mansur. (754-775) When Muhammad founded Islam, women and men were close to equal. Women could own property and had rights of inheritance, but only half as much inheritance as men. Marriage was considered a contract between consenting parties. Both men and women could divorce, but it was easier for men. Female infanticide became forbidden with the rise of Islam. Women could no longer have multiple husbands, but men could have up to 4 wives. This practice of polygamy continued from pre-Islamic times and middle-eastern culture. Women were not secluded, and could pray in the mosques separately. As the Arab empire grew in size, women became much more limited. It was during this time that the second Caliph, Umar, asked that women pray at home. Wearing veils became the standard practice. Women were secluded everywhere, and had to have their separate quarters of homes. They were removed from society and public life. The continued practice of women subordination to men in Islam continued to be derived from the established traditions of Middle East culture. When Caliph Mansur came to power in 754 C.E., we went as far as to order the building of a separate bridge over the Euphrates River for women to use in the capital city of Baghdad. Seclusions like
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