Role Of The Adults In The Early Years.

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Role of the adult According to the work of Riley (2007), a crucial factor in the quality of children’s education is the role the supporting adults provide. The role of the adult or practioner is to ensure that the setting and all of its employers maintain the challenge of the EYFS curriculum and uphold the concept that it’s not what a child learns that is most important but how the child leans it. A child initiated focus is fundamental to this philosophy; the practitioners must develop a supportive learning environment so that all children feel empowered to offer their own suggestions about how they want to learn. The observer noted how the practioner demonstrated how the uses of role play areas and then herself observed the children to see their development. Through the following child initiated play, the pupils demonstrate sustained shared thinking, collaboration and teamwork. The way that adults in early years settings organise learning Planning to support young children’s learning: Child-initiated learning is an essential part of a range of learning activities that young children need to experience in order to understand the world around them. This range of activities and experiences includes group activities, singing, cooking, listening to stories, re-telling stories, going for walks and interacting with visitors to the setting. It also includes participating in adult-initiated activities, some of which may well have stemmed from observations of children’s ideas and interests during their play. It is important that children are able to access this whole range of learning opportunities, as they learn from watching and imitating others as well as by exploring and experimenting. The Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Handbook defines child-initiated learning in the following way: ‘A self initiated activity is an
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