Rockport Walk Test

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Rockport Walk Test The Rockport Walk Test is an aerobic fitness test for people with different fitness levels. This test is used to measure cardiovascular fitness and is usually performed in a flat walking surface. This test helps to determine fitness and examine progress during an exercise program. The cardio respiratory fitness is determined by finding the VO2 max i.e, the maximum possible O2 consumption for an individual. The purpose of this test is to walk as fast as possible for one quarter of a mile. After completing distance, the pulse rate is recorded. Then, manually the number of heart beat for 10 seconds is counted, and then multiplied by 6 to get the minute heart rate. The faster one walks and the lower the effect of walking on heart rate, the more fit he/she is. A VO2 max score can be calculated using the equation VO2 max = 88.768-(0.0957*wt)-(.3877*age)+(8.892*gen)-(1.4537*t)-(.1194*hr). Using this equation my VO2 max calculation came out to be 67.26. In our class, the average VO2 max for the male and female students were 66.64 and 56.59 respectively. This shows women have lower VO2 max than men. My calculation is above average which means I have slightly better VO2 max than the average male students in our class. There are few factors that can affect this test. The first one would be how people perform on that exact day. If the test taker is recovering from an injury, taking a medication, behind on sleep, running low in energy, or just not motivated, his/her performance will suffer. This would give a lower reading of his/her VO2 max and will not be accurate. Similarly, if the test taker is distracted by other people or lost in thought, his concentration may suffer and slow his pace down. There are a lot of environmental factors that also can affect the result of the test. For example, if it’s too hot or very humid, people may overheat and sweat,

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