Rise Of The Roman Empire

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Augustus and the Rise of the Roman Empire Throughout the history of our planet, humankind has experienced the rise and fall of numerous civilizations. Societies have expanded and thrived, been conquered, defeated, and even wiped clean from the face of the Earth. But what is it exactly that causes the development of these civilizations? Some say that it is simply evolution that forms civilized life, while others chalk it up to human ingenuity, work ethic, and strong leadership. Whatever the cause may be, there remains little doubt that humanity has come a long way since our ancestors began walking on two legs. Yet there is one civilization that has been studied and analyzed for its unique history, culture, and extraordinary expansion. Perhaps known as the most sophisticated society for its time period, the Roman Empire was formed on a combination of the previously stated elements and its consequential rapid growth has yet to be seen since. With a reign lasting more than 500 years, the Roman Empire is considered one of the most powerful nations in all of ancient history. Stretching from the arid plains of the Arabian Desert to the isles of the United Kingdom, Rome controlled the entire Mediterranean world at its peak. However, this exponential expansion does not just develop out of thin air. Over the course of its history, Rome was led by multiple emperors whose duty it was to preserve this great empire. Of all these emperors, one is accredited for the initial establishment and eminent rise of the Empire. Augustus, or “the revered one”, was the first appointed Roman emperor after the collapse of the Republic in 27 B.C. Under his rule, Rome developed into the sophisticated society that spawned one of the greatest civilizations our world has ever seen. To fully grasp the importance of the Roman Empire under the rule of Augustus, we must first examine
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