Rise and Fall of Complex Societies

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Midterm Essay October 16, 2009 Rise and Fall of Complex Societies From the beginning of time till now, there has been some very strong and resilient civilizations in the position of power. On the other hand there’s also been some societies who weren’t so strong and unfortunately their duration period was diminished sooner. As we begin to see the development of more complex societies, we now see begin to see the start of towns, written communication, domesticated animals, grains and much more. In contrast to those great new developments, we also see the reasons to why some civilizations failed and what ultimately led to their demise. Amongst all the complex societies and empires, Egypt, Harrapan Society, Greece and Rome were all admirable civilizations who eventually would be in that position of power at one point and time. First, theirs belief that Egyptian and Nubian societies began to take their shape in the valley of the Nile River during the late fourth millennium B.C.. Egyptians also drew on agricultural surpluses to organize formal states and most importantly develop distinctive cultural traditions. Establishing themselves as Kings and great rulers early their were often respected for their great funerary customs which were reflections of a prosperous agricultural society. Their extraordinary use of the Nile River and its cataracts help provide and cultivate the land. Egyptians were now able to take advantage of the Nile’s annual floods. After unification of upper and lower egypt the they were extremely a powerful nation in many eyes. With writing entering the scene by 3200 B.C.E., know as hieroglyphs to visitors they were seen as marvelous. As Egypt faced political and economic competition, numerous skirmishes were fueled and smallscale wars broke out between the Nile Kingdoms. Namar, himself couldn’t bring peace between upper and lower Egypt. The decline

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