Rhetorical Techniques Essay

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Emotive language. Using language with strong positive or negative connotations to get the audience on your side, for example, ‘Protect your innocent children’, ‘The dictator’s henchmen’. ‘The struggle of the overworked teenager.’ Sound devices. Using sound effects, such as alliteration, assonance and rhyming, to make the message or point more attractive, for example, ‘Fight a fair fight, my friends’, ‘It’s not a bad law, just a mad law’. ‘Teasing and taunting can terrify vulnerable teenagers.’ Figurative language. Using metaphors, similes or personification to draw a picture in the audience’s mind, for example, ‘This war is a cancer’, ‘like vultures circling over their prey’. ‘Young people may not be angels but nor are they devils with horns and a pointed tail.’ Exaggeration. Overstating a view or statistic to impress the audience, for example, for example, ‘There are thousands of cases where …’ Contrast. Putting two opposing ideas or facts next to each other to show up how different they are, for example, ‘Should we support the tiny groups of protesters or the vast armies of the police?’ Using personal pronouns. Using ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘they’, etc. to make the text more personal, and to include or exclude groups, for example, ‘I strongly believe’, ‘We cannot allow this to happen’. Repetition. Repeating the same word, phrase or sentence structure to hammer home the point, for example, ‘We shall fight them on the beaches, we shall fight them on land and in the air.’ ‘Life does present challenges for young people, life is hard for young people.’ Making a list. Listing different examples of the same thing emphasises the point and builds up momentum, for example, ‘Do this for your children, for your mothers and fathers, and for your sisters and brothers.’ (Use colons for lists with semi colons between.) Rhetorical question. A question which does not need to be
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