Review on Research Process: Steps and Precautions

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REPORT ON “REVIEW ON RESEARCH PROCESS: STEPS AND PRECAUTIONS” By: - Abhilasha Kapoor The research process is a simple means of effectively locating information for a research project, which is in a form of a problem for which we need to find a solution through the research process. Because research is a process, we need ample time to collect data, analyze it and then refine it to form a research paper. The report or paper must present the logical analysis of the subject matter without any errors. The steps below provide a simple and effective approach for conducting research for a paper, or other project that requires you to locate information about a problem. The below outline of steps involved is not fixed and can be used with some changes according to the research type and its needs: Research process or steps involved in writing a research paper are: Abstract An abstract is a short summary of your completed research. If done well, it makes the reader want to learn more about your research. It includes the problem statement, objectives, methods or procedure of research, results, findings and conclusion. If any of the relevant head is missing then the abstract does not fully convey the research. Because on-line search databases typically contain only abstracts, it is vital to write a complete but concise description of your work to entice potential readers into obtaining a copy of the full paper. Precautions while writing abstract are firstly, not to use jargons and abbreviations, not to use data or statistical details, use of simple language avoid expressions like ‘it seems’ or ‘there may be’. Problem

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