Restorative Justice Essay

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Abstract Restorative justice is a term used widely throughout Australia. However, it is not easy to define, as there is no single definition. The concept of restorative justice is that crime is against a victim and not the state therefore punishment should not be handed out by the state but agreed upon by the stakeholder’s involved. In turn allowing offenders to repair some of the harm they have caused. In addition to restorative justice repairing harm, reducing delinquency in youth at school is an area of restorative justice that should be explored further. The school years have the best chance of diverting delinquent behaviours. Restorative justice has numerous names and takes various forms, and is used in a variety of settings. For instance circles, peacemaking, conferencing, and transformative justice. However, in Australia restorative justice in the form of conferencing is primarily for young offenders. Australia’s use of restorative justice has been heavily influenced by New Zealand’s use of family group conferencing, after they introduced the New Zealand Children, Young persons and their Families Act in 1989. The purpose of this essay is to firstly, highlight current concepts of restorative justice. Secondly, discuss the application of restorative justice in the criminal justice system and then its application with youth. Restorative justice is an alternative way to look at criminal justice(Stahlkopf, 2009) and react to a criminals behaviour. The concept of restorative justice is to allow the offender to repair some of the damage they have caused their victims. This is usually done through face to face meetings known as conferencing. If face to face meetings cannot be held other indirect methods like emails, phone calls or conferencing through mediators can be facilitated. During these conferencing processes victims, their families, and the

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