Respiratory System Essay

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The Respiratory System In our bodies many organs take part in the process of respiration. We call them organs of the respiratory system. The main organs of the human respiratory system are as follows: Nose, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Lungs, Alveoli and Diaphragm. The respiratory systems main purpose is to supply oxygenated blood in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. Breathing gives us the ability to inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. Getting oxygen to the blood depends on this exchange of gases in the respiratory system. The process starts in the Nasal Passages by air entering from the nostrils leading to the nasal passages. Located behind the nose is the nasal cavity, comprises the nasal passages that play an important part in the respiratory system. The nasal cavity is responsible for conditioning the air that is received by the nose. This involves warming or cooling the air received by the nose, removing dust particles from it and also moistening it, before it enters the pharynx. The larynx is associated with the production of sound. This is also known as the humans “voice box”. It consists of two pairs of membranes that cause air in the vocal cords to vibrate, thus producing sound. The larynx is situated in the neck of mammals and plays a vital role in the protection of the trachea. The lower end of the larynx has a “wind pipe” also called the trachea. The air coming from the nostrils during breathing passes through trachea. The trachea is a tube which is commonly known as the “wind pipe”. The human body’s Trachea does not collapse even when there is no air in it, because it is supported by rings of soft bones called cartilage. Each bronchus divides in the lungs to form a large number of still smaller tubes called bronchioles. The smallest bronchioles have tiny air-sacs at their ends. The pouch-like
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