Research on Multiple Intelligence Theory

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QBT1 Research Paper There are many instances in which students are left behind and feel very much confused about their place in the classroom, due to the fact of feeling as though they are not learning anything. There are times where teachers feel they are not doing enough to try to communicate with their students in a way that they actually understand and comprehend the subject or topic of the day. There is a way that this can be changed. Research shows that incorporating the multiple intelligence theory in a K-12 classroom improves learning effectiveness of students because it allows students to learn in their own comfortable atmosphere, it helps the classroom teacher better understand their students’ learning capabilities, and it promotes student academic achievement. Before beginning on why teachers should incorporate the multiple intelligence theory inside the classroom, you must first understand what the multiple intelligence theory is. This theory was created by a psychologist by the name of Howard Gardner. Gardner believed that intelligence was not just one complete ability, but multiple abilities that determined how someone learns. He basically is saying that one person that is better at doing something such as reading or mathematics is not necessarily more intelligent than the person who is not such a great reader or mathematician. Gardner and Hatch (2011) mentioned that by developing the multiple intelligence theory in assessments, it will change the traditional approach to assessments and incorporate each theory in a meaningful way. In turn, Gardner came up 8 different categories of intelligence: logical-mathematical, visual (spatial), linguistic, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. Each of the eight intelligences has its own background information and category requirements. Students who relate to the different

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