Rereading an Autobiography from Ecocritical Perspective

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Rereading an Autobiography from Ecocritical Perspective Satyajit T. Patil Assistant Professor in English Pemraj Sarda College, Ahmednagar (M.S.) Abstract Ecocriticism, emerged in the USA in the late 1980’s, has established itself as a distinct critical approach beyond all odds. Despite having certain weaknesses and contradictions, this critical theory has received a wide acclaim all over the world. The present article summarizes some of the basic assumptions of ecocriticism and points out few practical problems encountered while attempting an ecocritical analysis of a text. With a view to test the critical utility of this approach, the writer has ventured to reread the well known autobiography ‘My Son’s Father’, applying ecocritical tools. This article may be looked upon as an honest attempt to extend the applicability of “green studies” and stress their significance in the study of the genre of autobiography. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The twentieth century witnessed an unprecedented degradation of the “ecological ethics” at global level. Human beings became more and more homocentric, with utter disregard to the surrounding nature. The age-old belief in the power of nature as the prominent guiding force was shaken to the roots. As a result, there was immense damage and destruction of the natural resources all over the world. The use of highly advanced weapons during the two World Wars threatened the very existence of the living beings on

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