Report on Behaviour of Exercise

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Introduction: In this report, I hope to explain the behaviour of exercise by examining theory and literature to explain the behaviour, behaviour change and resistance to change in my experience. Ogden (2012) defines exercise as ‘planned, structured and repetitive bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical fitness’, thus emphasizing the biological and physical changes from intentional movements. Today’s society is growing increasingly sedentary due to individuals relying more on technology in domestic and work life. This has caused a decrease in daily activity, with less than half the UK population participating in some form of exercise once a month, with the percentage of individuals exercising decreasing with age (Department of Health, 2004). With help from the Department of Health, the Government has created schemes to encourage the population to participate in some from of moderate exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week; these schemes include “Walking For Health” and “Live Well”. Current Exercise Behaviour: Like the majority of the UK population I live a very sedentary lifestyle, not even reaching the daily amount of exercise of 30 minutes every day recommended by the Department of Health. Although I understand that exercise is an important aspect of my overall health, I find myself creating excuses of why I don’t exercise, such as lack of time, cost, embarrassment, lack of self-belief or that I do not want to exercise alone. Although I strongly believe I am capable of introducing and maintaining a regular exercise routine into my lifestyle, I find myself struggling to start one. Mattockl et al (2008) suggested that active youngsters maintain an active lifestyle as an adult; therefore I can assume that by having an inactive childhood, that past behaviour now influences my mood to start a regular exercise

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