Renewable Energy Essay

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1. Mention two disadvantages of using wood as fuel. 2. State two limitations of solar energy 3. Explain the principle underlying the working of a solar cell. 4. What is a solar panel? 5. | Which of the following is a conversion from chemical energy to thermal energy? | | | A. | Coal is burned to boil water. | B. | Food is digested and used to regulate body temperature. | C. | Charcoal is burned in a barbeque pit. | D. | All of the above. | | Which of the following is the best example of increasing an object's potential energy? | | | A. | rolling a bowling ball | B. | turning on a light bulb | C. | stretching a rubber band | D. | dropping a pencil | | An object that has kinetic energy must be... | | | A. | lifted above earth's surface. | B. | in motion. | C. | at rest. | D. | None of the above. | | Thermal energy is... | | | A. | kinetic. | B. | potential. | C. | both kinetic and potential. | D. | neither kinetic nor potential. | | Sound energy is... | | | A. | the energy of a compound that changes as its atoms are rearranged to form new compounds. | B. | the total energy of the particles that make up an object. | C. | The energy caused by an object's vibrations. | D. | the energy of motion. | | What device converts chemical energy to mechanical energy? | | | A. | human | B. | car | C. | jet ski | D. | All of the above. | | As height increases, so does... | | | A. | thermal energy. | B. | mechanical energy. | C. | kinetic energy. | D. | potential energy. | | | | The law of _________________ of energy states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. | | | A. | transformation | B. |

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