Renaissance Values Expository Essay

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The Renaissance was a flourishing time of many great changes in Europe. The word "Renaissance" means rebirth in French. New, powerful city states emerged. Great artists, writers and thinkers lived during this time. Between the early 1300s and the late 1500s, the time of Renaissance, Europe transformed from a medieval world to something beginning to resemble the modern world. Social status was the basis of life in Europe during the Renaissance. The importance of social status in the lives of Renaissance people can be easily perceived through food, clothing and the households. Food is the basic need for existence, therefore extremely vital to daily life. However, during the Renaissance, the kind of food people ate depended solely on their social status. Meals for the lower social classes was usually consisted of dark breads such as rye or barley, and cheese or curds. For the lower class, meat was rare and expensive, and they didn't have salt to preserve the meat either. Servants living in wealthy households usually had better conditions. Meals for the wealthiest classes, as in the nobles and the rich, had a much more variety of dishes, and they also enjoyed delicacies such as pastries. The bread that the upper classes ate had a higher proportion of wheat, and was finely grounded and sifted. Stale bread was cut into squares and put on a surface to serve with other foods and sauces. When the rich were done with their meals, the leftover, soaked bread was usually given to the lower classes. The aristocrats even paid huge amounts of money to hire expedition teams to export spices from Asia and Africa. The spices were expensive due to their rareness, and the riches used spices heavily to show off their wealth and social status. In addition to food, clothing also spoke much about the social position of the wearer. In many cities, especially Italy, where the textile
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