Relevance of the British Monarchy

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The Relevance of the British Monarchy. The British monarchy has existed for over 100 years. In fact it is the oldest form of government in the United Kingdom and is a tradition to the people of England which is why I believe that it is relevant and should not be abolished. In my discursive essay I will be discussing my point of view of the relevance of the British monarchy. All countries around the world have a tradition that they have kept for many years. The British monarchy is a very old tradition which is rather of importance to them. I think it is a good tradition as it is not patriarchal. They are not afraid of changing their rules and values. If I was to give an example it would be the royal wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. Long ago the British Monarchy would not have allowed a person of such importance (Prince William) to marry such a commoner. He would have to marry someone of importance as well. This rule was not fair towards the husband or the wife. Would you enjoy it if you were not allowed to marry someone you truly love just because she is not as wealthy as your family? Of course you would not. But this is an excellent example of how the British monarchy is improving and evolving. A long time ago the British monarchy had rather sexist rules towards the women of England. I am strongly against sexism as I think that everyone should be treated equally regardless of your sex. For example if you were the first born of your family then you would be the next in line for the throne unless you were a girl. The first born boy would be the next in line which is rather unfair and sexist. Now in the present it does not matter whether or not you are a boy or girl the first born gets the first preference. Another form of sexism was that if you were women you were to vow to obey your husband. Now you do not have to obey your husband and there is
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