Reflective Essay on Key Learning Points from Mindanaw Case Study

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Reflective essay on key learning points from Mindanao Case Study Mindanaw, the land of flowers I have very good opportunity to learn about peacebuilding in this module. Gaining great knowledge and experience by direct learning from different stake holders such as Mr. Franklin, Mr. Ike, Mr. Kaloy, Lt Gen; Ferrer, Officers from Military Command, Indigenous representatives and community leaders. We have met these all people in class room as well as in the field are very willing to tell their stories and how they have tried to achieve the goal which is peace. They sacrifice many lives in struggling for their rights, the military people also loss many lives in their mission, some are missing in action. We heard many sad stories. On our first day of experience is learning from Noah about “Systems Thinking”. It has said systems thinking is not analysis. Many people approach to challenges in analysis way, the systems thinking approach is to expend understanding. "Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static 'snapshots'. Today systems thinking is needed more than ever because we are becoming overwhelmed by complexity." (P. Senge. The Fifth Discipline: The art & practice of the learning organization. Doubleday. 1990.) To understand the systems thinking we learned four categories such as Simple System, Complicated System, Chaotic System and Complex System. We also have tasted some systems theories such as General Empirical Theory or General System Theory, System Dynamics and General Evolutionary Systems Theory. In this regards we need to learn more and read more about Systems Thinking, now we did only surface reading. Multi-Track diplomacy also learned in same day. Tracks 1 to 9 are interesting and each track has their unique value. We learned

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