Reaction to Tomlinson

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Reaction paper to: Tomlinson, M. (2008) ‘The degree is not enough’: students’ perceptions of the role of higher education credentials for graduate work and employability. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 29(1), 49-61 Tomlinson (2008) notes that due to the social composition of the university in which he carried out his research, the majority of the students he interviewed were from a middle-class background. He argues that as students from professional middle-class backgrounds continue to be the ‘most representative participants’ of higher education their experiences are worthy of investigation. I do not disregard his opinion or the merit of his study; however I do contend that reference ought to have been made to this fact throughout the study. I refer particularly to the section regarding ‘soft credentials’ and I will illustrate why I believe it is important to refrain from considering the experiences of students from a particular class background in isolation. If we accept the proposition that students feel the need to, and are encouraged to, enhance their ‘employability’ through the development of credentials that fall outside their strict academic learning, we can see that this may occur through work experience, internships and ‘exploiting their skills gained through [extra-curricular activities]’ (Bathmaker, Ingram & Waller, 2013). This challenges students to accrue such capital or experiences, and to package these ‘soft credentials’ (Tomlinson, 2008) in ways which provide them with advantages in the labour market. Milburn (2009) focuses specifically on internships and work experience and suggests that they play a significant role in gaining access to graduate labour markets while Browne (2006) noted how financial services employers tended to recruit an ‘elite cohort’ to their fast-track leadership programmes strictly from internship
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