Rational Choice Theory or Positivist Theory

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Rational Choice Theory To borrow from my previous post, Rational Choice Theory uses the main assumptions of Classical Criminology. It is a way of describing human behavior. Rational choice theorist believes crime is viewed as a choice the individual makes and that each person makes this rational choice. It also assumes those choices are of the persons free will and that he or she makes rational choices based on their own needs and desires. The choices of people are based or anchored in their own desires or preferences. It assumes the choices made are based on rational calculations. In other words, the theory assumes people will make rational decisions. Positivist Criminology This theory holds the position that crime is determined or caused. Lombroso believed that behavior is dictated by biological factors. Other scholars would later put emphasis on psychological and sociological factors that would influence a person’s behavior. Factors outside the individuals control determine their criminal behavior. Some original thought here followed the research of Charles Darwin and his work on the evolution of man. Cesare Lombroso became known as the father of criminology. He became famous in the nineteenth century because he claimed to have discovered the cause of crime. Lombroso wrote The Criminal Man that was published in 1876. In his book, Lombroso claimed that the dead bodies of criminals revealed that they were physically different than normal people. He claimed that criminals have abnormal dimensions of the skull and jaw. Lombroso believed that criminals were born with traits and did not commit crimes on free will as the classical school of criminology would suggest. (Unknown) I adhere more to Rational Choice Theory. I believe people more so than not make choices that determine the course their life takes. How a person goes about making those

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