Rajat Gupta Insider Trding Case

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Rajat Gupta Convicted of Insider Trading Case INDEX SR.NO | PARTICULARS | 1. | About Insider Trading | 2. | About Rajat Gupta | 3. | About McKinsey & Company | 4. | About Case | 5. | | 6. | | 7. | | 8. | | 9. | | 10. | | 11. | | 12. | | INTRODUCTION OF INSIDER TRADING: Insider trading is the trading of a public company's stock or other securities (such as bonds or stock options) by individuals with access to non-public information about the company. In various countries insider trading based on inside information is illegal. This is because it is seen as being unfair to other investors who don't have access to the information. The authors of one study claim that illegal insider trading raises the cost of capital for securities issuers, thus decreasing overall economic growth.] However, some economists have argued that insider trading should be allowed and could, in fact, benefit markets. The trading by specific insiders such as employees may be permitted as long as it does not rely on material information that is not in the public domain, however most jurisdiction will require the reporting of such trading so that these can be monitored. In the United States and several other jurisdictions, trading conducted by corporate officers, key employees, directors, or significant shareholders must be reported to the regulator or publicly disclosed, usually within a few business days of the trade. The rules around insider trading are complex and vary significantly from country to country and enforcement is mixed. The definition of insider can be very wide and may not only cover insiders themselves but also any person related to them such as brokers, associates and even family members. Any person who becomes aware of non-public information and trades on that basis may be guilty. WHO IS RAJAT GUPTA? Rajat
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