Questions of Cop and Anthem

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THE COP AND THE ANTHEM – O. Henry (1862 – 1910) 1. To describe the coming winter, O. Henry uses an indirect way instead of a direct way. What is gained by such description? Find other indirect ways of describing things in the story? What is their effect? 2. What are the two major strengths and weaknesses in the personality of Soapy? 3. What is the importance of the anthem? 4. Is Soapy is a criminal? Why (not)? If he is, what kind of crime he has committed? 5. What are the two opposing forces in the plot of this story? What is the single effect on the characters and the reader? 6. In your opinion, why did Soapy fail to get himself arrested? Explain each time he tried. 7. What type(s) of irony is (are) found in the story? What are their implications? What can be the author’s attitude through the ironies? 8. Like many other O. Henry’s stories, this one illustrates the irony of life. Explain how. How successful is the surprise ending? There are two tests of a good surprise ending: (1). You should not be able to see it coming; (2). You should be obliged to admit, on looking back over the story, that all the necessary clues were there. Point out the clues which O. Henry gave to prepare the reader for the ending. 9. Is the story anything about life in a big city? If yes, do you share this point of view? 10. How is winter a symbol in “The Cop and the Anthem”? 11. It seems that cops are everywhere Soapy is around, but they do not seem to be working properly. Explain. What point is made here? 12. What can be the theme of the story? THE COP AND THE ANTHEM – O. Henry (1862 – 1910) 1. To describe the coming winter, O. Henry uses an indirect way instead of a direct way. What is gained by such description? Find other indirect ways of describing things in the story? What is their effect? 2. What are the two major

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