Qcf 5 Work Book

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502.1 ac 1, 502.2 ac1 – What are the regulation, inspection requirements, codes of practice and conduct and standards and guidance relevant to your role and responsibility in relation to managing, and continuous professional requirements as a manager for yourself and staff team? * National Minimum Standards. * Keys Policies and Procedures * Children’s Home Regulations * Care Standards Act 2000 * Children’s Act 2004 * Health and Safety Act 1974 * Every Child Matters 502.1 ac 2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development What can be the impact of work pressure on the service, provision, and individual and team performance? How should you organise your time and resources to maximize your efficiency and effectiveness as a manager? How and where can you access information, resources and support for your learning and development? 501.1 ac 3 What are the organisational policies and procedures for different sources and systems of support for professional development • Formal support • Informal support • Supervision • Appraisal • Mentoring • Within the organisation • Beyond the organisation Compare the benefit of using a range of sources. 502.1 ac 4 Explain factors to consider when selecting opportunities and activities for keeping knowledge and practice up to date 502.4 ac 1 Compare models of reflective practice Kolbs learning cycle and reflective template Concrete experience * What happened * How did you feel * How did you react Reflective observation * What went well * What did not go well * Did anything unexpected occur * How do you feel now Abstract (understanding) * How does theory inform you * How does research inform you * Conclusions Active experimentation * What other options did you have * What night
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