Qbt1 Task 5

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The PAWSITIVE Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy W/ Abused Neglected Children, Depressed Elderly, and the not so PURRFECT Health. Patricia Durant Western Governors University Language and Communication Research QBT1 October 11, 2012 The PAWSITIVE Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy W/ Abused Neglected Children, Depressed Elderly, and the not so PURRFECT Health. Theses statement: Research indicates using Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT), helps children that have been abused open up communication gates faster. When children open up about their feelings the healing process begins. AAT also assists people with depression to have a greater self-worth. Animal contact has been proven with cardiac patients to lower their stress levels, blood pressures, and cholesterol levels. Animal assisted therapy (AAT), is it a benefit or a detriment to humans overall wellbeing? Eighty-five percent of pet owners regard their pets as members of the family (Cohen2002). Many pet lovers/owners will state they receive much more from their pet then just love. Many homes with pets treat their pet as a very important part of the family unit. Family functions, holidays, and vacations are planned around a pet. Pets are included in family rituals such as birthday parties and weddings. Some families even have wedding ceremonies with their pets as bride and groom. Human’s attachment to their pet is a crucial foundation for animal-assisted therapy. What is the animal human bond? In order to understand the benefits of AAT people need to understand the history of the animal-human bond. Wikipedia defines the animal-human bond as, “the mutually beneficial and dynamic relationship between humans and animals that is studied by psychologists, anthropologists, and ethnologists. (Wikipedia, 5/2012) The animal human bond has been recognized as an important

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