Q. “the Lack of Unity Amongst Their Opponents Was the Most Important Reason for the Success of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War Between 1918 and 1921” to What Extent Would You Accept This Statement (22).

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During the events of the civil war the whites always suffered from the lack of proper unity. This was primarily caused by the fact that the whites were soldiers from different political backgrounds who wanted different fates for Russia. For example some were Tsarist who wanted a return to the old system while others wanted a democratic Russia. These conflicting ideologies were the primary cause for the lack of unity in the whites; in fact the only reason why they joined forces was because they all shared a common hatred of the Bolsheviks. The lack of unity especially in the high command of the white army was the reason why many of the generals such as Denikin and Yudenich refused to combine their forces for an all-out assault, and this then resulted in the total defeat of the white forces. Although the lack of unity in the whites was an important aspect for the Bolsheviks victory, we cannot forget about several other factors which were also important to the success of the reds. The most significant advantage that the Bolsheviks had during the civil war was Trotsky’s role as war commissar, without a doubt if it wasn't for Trotsky the reds might have lost the civil war. Trotsky had good management and organisation skills which he put to good use trying to turn the red army from a gang of inexperienced men into an effective fighting machine. The main he done this was using 50,000 ex tsarist officers to train and lead the red army, this proved unpopular with many Bolsheviks party members however. As they believed that these officers would try and rebel or lead the army poorly. However Trotsky got around this problem by holding the families of the officer’s hostage and having two Bolshevik party members watch over each ex-tsarist officer. These measures worked and the red army was commanded and trained efficiently compared to the whit army. The geographical
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