Public Sector Accounting

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QUESTION 4 According to Freeman and Shoulder (1996), budget can be defined as the process of allocating scarce resources to unlimited demand and should contain information about the types and amounts of proposed expenditures, the purposes for which they are to be made, and the proposed means of financing them. Required: Explain the differences between ‘performance evaluation’ in Programme Performance Budgeting System and ‘a cycle of programme evaluation’ in Modified Budgeting System (4 marks) (Q2c, Oct 2009) The performance evaluation is to assess the relevence , results and impact of the programmes for each agency using the performance indicator which has been developed. While a cycle of programme evaluation is an important element that would assist management to make systematic analysis of the effectiveness, efficiency, relevancy and aconomy of an activity or programme in order to achieve a clear picture of the level of performance of the activity or programme. Besides that, under PPBS, all programmes are expected to be evaluated annualy. However, under MBS, only selected programmes will be evaluated in any one year to ensure that evaluations are carried out in-depth. QUESTION 5 In Malaysia, there are three budgeting techniques applicable in the public sector namely: Traditional Budgeting System (TBS); Programme Performance Budgeting System (PPBS) and Modified Budgeting System (MBS) Required: a) State any three (3) disadvantages of Traditional Budgeting System (TBS). (6 marks) * Data provided is useful primarily for the short-term planning only. Information presented in the budget expenditure does not state clearly the purpose of the current and future utilization of resources. * In the budget preparation process, goverment agencies tend to focus on object of expenditure such as the amount of services and supplies
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