Public Schools vs Private Schools

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Are Private Schools Better Than Public Schools The debate between public schools and private schools is never ending, and choosing sides is often difficult and biased. Deciding what is right for a child whether its based on financial or social limitations is not easy and varies greatly across communities. There are many distinct benefits of each type of school that many parents seem to overlook yet they play a big role in the quality of education in the long run. The biggest factor that separates public schools from private schools comes down to simple money. The fact that public schools cost almost zero dollars for the parents is usually a big influence on choosing their kid’s school. There is however a big down side to this, since the public school system is federally funded, this leaves room for unexpected budget cuts and shortfalls in financial help. Public schools are part of a greater school system and have to abide by a federally set curriculum. Private schools however, must be able to generate a source of income for the school to stay afloat. This mostly comes from tuition costs, but is greatly supported by donations, grants, and sponsorships. If the school is associated to a religious group, the corresponding church or temple also provides funding to the school, and these usually offer lower tuition costs. Private schools also have many potential benefits to add to their liking. Since they are not tax exempt they do not have to abide by the same regulations that govern public schools. Public schools are restricted to the governed curriculum and cannot specialize in certain fields such as advanced curriculums or gear themselves towards specific religious beliefs. Some public schools are slowly coming along that do allow for this however, such as magnet schools and charter schools. Another big differentiation is also in their admission guidelines.

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