Pt 1430 Review Questions 1

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1) What are objects and properties? How are they related to each other a. Objects are forms and controls. Forms are the windows and dialog boxes you place on the screen; controls are the elements you place inside a form, such as text boxes, command buttons, and list boxes. Properties tell something about an object, such as its name, color, size, location, or how it will behave. Properties explain the objects. When you refer to a property, you first name the object, then a period, and then name the property. For example, refer to the Caption property of a form called Form1 as Form1.Caption (say form1 dot caption). Every object will have its own set of properties. 2) What are the three steps for planning and creating Visual Basic projects? Describe 1rhat happens in each step. Planning: Step 1 Design the Interface: When you plan the user interface, you draw a sketch of the screens the user will see when running your project. Step 2 Plan the properties: For each object, write down the properties that you plan to set or change during the design of the form. Step 3 Plan the Basic code: In this step you plan the procedures that will execute when your project runs. You will determine which events require action to be taken and then make a step-by-step plan for those actions. 3) What is the purpose of these Visual Basic file types: .sin. . suo. and .vb. b. .sin Organizes projects, project items and solution items into the solution by providing the environment with references to their locations on disk. .suo Records all of the options that you might associate with your solution so that each time you open it, it includes customizations that you have made. .vb a file for storing groups of functions. 4) When is Visual Basic in design time? run time? debug time? c. Design time rare when you are in the user inter-face & writing code,

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