Pros and Cons of Online Education

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Online Education: Pros and Cons As with anything in life, there are pros and cons. Online learning certainly has its' ups and downs. When I first started taking online classes, I was under the impression that they would be an excellent alternative to the traditional classroom setting. That impression was very wrong, in my opinion. I was told about how wonderful online classes where because a person could work at their own pace and they could work around busy schedules. I am not sure what classes they took but so far, this has not been the case for any online class I have taken. I have taken both styles of classes and so far, online classes have consumed more of my time than any of the traditional classes. I prefer traditional classes but due to my schedule, I will have to continue my education mostly online. With that being said, I am going to briefly talk about the pros and cons of online classes. The good stuff: I will start with pajamas. Yes, pajamas. When it is time for me to sit down and participate in the virtual version of discussion time, I come to the party dressed to the nines. Nine PM that is, because generally, it will be after nine in the evening by the time I can sit at the computer for more than a few minutes. Online learning also lends itself to the more tech savvy individuals by utilizing E-readers and talk to text. I have used both of these functions while working, cooking, cleaning and caring for the kids. I look rather silly when I am reciting my thoughts to a note pad on my computer but it allows me the make a rough draft without stopping the activity at hand. The E-reader will read my books to me while my hands are busy, it is a useful tool, even if it has the occasional mispronunciation. In the readers defense, adiabatic processes can be tough for anyone (or thing) to explain. The really great thing about online classes are the hours,

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