Proficiency Test Essay

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The International English proficiency test: Is it a good way to measure student’s proficiency of English? References : Arnold. (2003). The TOEFL CBT (Computer-based test): Language Testing, 20(1), 111-123. Hall, G. (2009). International English Language Testing: a Critical Response. ELT Journal, 64, 321-329. Uysal, H.H. (2009). A critical review of the IELTS writing test. ELT Journal, 64, 314-320. ----------------------- In recent discussions of measuring student’s proficiency of English, a controversial issue has been arguing whether the International English proficiency test is a good way to measure student’s proficiency of English or not a good way. When it comes to the topic of measuring student’s proficiency, most of us probably convince that the International English proficiency test is a good way. Arnold (2003) in Educational Testing Service [ETS], 2000a:4 argued that the purpose of TOEFL CBT is evaluating the English proficiency whose native language is not English. On the other hand, some insist that the International English proficiency test is not valid and reliable to measure proficiency of English since the norms of proficiency test still debated by experts. Graham (2010) emphasized his opinion that “there are numerous issues concerning the test’s reliability and validity”. The uncertain norm influences the test doesn’t really valid and reliable. Therefore, I argue that the International English proficiency test is not a good way to measure student’s proficiency of English due to its reliability and validity. The second reason of the International English proficiency test is not a good way to measure students’ proficiency due to its validity. In terms of validity, the International English proficiency test should consider the culture. Purves and Hawisher (1990) in Uysal (210) also believed that International
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